Ms. Phillips hw2/27

11th grade Eng. Lit.: Chapters 2 and 3 must have been read by Mon . Quiz Mon. on Chapters 1 and 2 and relevant literary techniques.

Eng. Comp.: Make sure you have read through p. 117 by Mon. Quiz Mon. on the most recent reading and relevant class discussions.

12th grade Eng. Lit. for tomorrow: hw as posted previously; be sure to have read through Chapter 2. Take-home quiz due Mon.: complete list of identities of items in the Chapter 2 paragraph assigned; 1 paragraph answering the question “Why these names?”

AP Psych: prepare for test next Thursday.

10th grade Eng. lit.: Chapters 1 and 2 must have been read by Mon.  Identify all items mentioned in the Chapter 2 paragraph mentioned in class.  Write 1 paragraph on “Why these names?”  Quiz Mon. on Chapters 1 and 2 and relevant class discussions.