Mr. Schatzkamer 10-10-12 HW #14

12th  1)who was Montesquieu and Locke.  2)How did they influence the future of  America  3)Why did people from England come to the New world 4)what is a colony and a mother country

11th  1)what was the new world  2)How did England become a democracy  3)who were the Pilgrims  4)what was the Mayflower Compact  5)what was the Glorious Revolution

10th AP  1)what was the importance of calendars  2)What was Hieroglyphics  3)what is the importance of irrigation  4)Why was farming the most important thing  5)what is a civilization

10th  1)Who was Galileo,Machievelli,and Gutemberg-state the importance of each  2)what was the Renaissance  3)How did the black death affect Feudalism  4)what were the results of the Crusades  5)what happened during the Crusades

9th  1)What was Mesopotamia  2)what was the Fertile Crescent  3)why were rivers so important  4)what was the importance of the Nile River  5)what are the rivers in the Fertile Crescent  and in Egypt

7th   1)what is the Prime Meridian  2)what is the Equator  3)what is the difference between lines of latitude and lines of longitude  4)what are lines of Latititude and Longitude used for  5)Why are lines of latitude measured north and south 6)why are lines of longitude measured east and west