Mr Feldstein Literature – Final 2 Essays

Essay 1 (Final Version):

The Topic: Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde – a study of Good and Evil

Your essay should discuss how the author of the novella portrays the two natures within humans. Here some questions to consider: What was Dr. Jekyll’s intent? Was he successful? Does the story point to a solution to the good/evil nature in humans? How is Jekyll and Hyde phenomenon a symbol for all humanity? (You may use examples from your experience where someone has displayed seemingly opposite natures.) Does the split of Jekyll’s two elements into two distinct personas absolve him from the crimes committed by Hyde? Why yes or why not? What is Mr. Utterson’s role within this story? Is his tolerance helpful or destructive?

Here’s an example of a good high-school level analytic essay on this story (on a different topic). Take a look at the essay’s structure, its cohesiveness, and the way it uses elements of the story and adds to these the writer’s own interpretations.

Analytic Essay

The final form of your essay also should not read like an answer to the above questions, but rather offer your own observations and interpretations on the novella in an essay form.

Essay 2:

Highlight the differences between the account of Dr. Lanyon and Dr Jekyll which are presented in the last two chapters of the novella. Use lines from the text to show the two ways the same “supernatural” transformation is being described. What effect does Jekyll’s transformation have on Lanyon? Why? How does Jekyll view his own demise?