Mr. Pavloskiy


Algebra 1  – pg 158 #3


7th grade  – Review and finish  pg 159 – 160


8th grade – pg 178

Ms Philips for 1/11

12th grade-write a paragraph describing how mcmurphy sees himself.

10th grade- think about why it matters that the puritans claimed to not only be possessed by the devil but that they made contracts with the devil.

ap psych- review notes

9th grade- review leadership and followership notes for midterm

Ms. Philips 1/10

12 grade- read pp 91-101

11th grade- review notes

10th grade- make a list of symbolic meanings of the woods in the play

ap psych-add at least one item to the list in the handout

Ms.Philips 1/9

12th grade- make sure pp 85-90 are read-

10th grade- make sure pp 42-62 are read

11th grade- think about today’s lesson- be prepared to contribute tomorrow

ap psych- review/ look up revised vygotsky site / read handout

9th grade- read 2164-2220

Mr.Chhe 1/9/18

9th Grade – Study for Test

Science – Study For Test