School Closed Tuesday January 27

Sinai Academy will be closed tomorrow Tuesday January 27.

Enjoy the snow day!

Also take the time to seek out ways to help people (such as the elderly) that may need it during these weather conditions.

Schedule Update | Monday Jan 26

Please be aware that due to severe weather school will likely be closed Tuesday (possibly Wednesday also). As such the schedule for Final exams will shift to the next open school day.

In other words:

In case of Tuesday (only) closing, tests that were scheduled for Tuesday will be administered on Wednesday. Wednesday exams will be given on Thursday, and Thursday exams will be given on Friday.

In case of Tuesday and Wednesday closing, Tuesday exams will be given on Thursday; Wednesday’s on Friday, and Thursday’s on Monday (after Hebrew classes).

Stay tuned for updates via our Facebook page or school website.

Schedule for Monday Jan 26


The steady snow is set to only begin in late afternoon. All students will be dismissed before 1:30 PM.

9:15 AM
Algebra 2/trig
Global History 9th grade
ELA – 7/8 grades

11:30 AM
Global History 10th grade
English literature 9th grade (mr Edwards)
AP Economics

Ms. Phillips hw 1/22


Your midterm format has been changed. Please note that you will still need to know whatever we have covered since September, but you will refer to the texts we have read, not a new text selected for the test.  As previously announced, you will need to identify themes, major plot elements,  imagery, syntax, diction, tone,  setting, how characters respond to and evolve because of challenges, and the function of points of view. You will also need to know the kinds of figurative language the authors  employed, and why.

Refresh your memory of the texts we read this semester. Review your class notes and the kinds of questions that were asked on the handouts. Remember why certain texts are considered literature and not merely writing. Finally, be prepared to write about the connections you found between the texts and your life.

AP Psych.- review for midterm.

APEL&C- finish essay 1 in the packet.

9th grade- finish handout 3. Finish the book.

11th grade-finish the book. Quiz tomorrow on the last 2 chapters.

10th grade-finish the handout given in class today. Read through p. 126.

Ms. Phillips hw 1/21

11th grade- read chapter 30.

9th grade- do second grammar handout.

APEL&C- study for midterm.

AP Psych.- study for midterm.

10th grade-read through top of p.89. Finish packet.

Ms. Phillips hw 1/20

11th grade- finish 4-question handout given in class today if you have not already handed it in. Review Regents reading comprehension strategies (we completed our list today.) Read chapter 29.

9th grade- no book assignment for tomorrow. Finish grammar handout.

APEL&C- finish essay p. 11 of 2008 exam given today.

AP Psych.- study for midterm.

10th grade- finish midterm practice handout given today (4 circled questions only).

Ms. Phillips hw 1/19

11th grade- read chapter 28.

9th grade- read pp 234-top 238. Finish 7-question handout.

APEL&C- study for midterm.

AP Psych.- read Color Vision handout. Study for midterm.

10th grade- cw/hw: What are 3 new feelings Charlie recognizes in himself? Use textual evidence to support your answer. Read up to p. 82 (May 3). Pretend Miss Kinnian is writing in her diary after going out with Charlie. What does she say? (Write in her voice.)