Ms. Phillips 11/26 hw

11th grade- read chapter 1; do handout.

9th grade- read “Afterword” and “Coda”; write an imaginary letter to Bradbury based on what you read in these 2 sections.

APEL&C- do Activity p. 94. You must be able to show me or tell me which review you used for this assignment.

AP Psych.- test Monday on brain regions covered so far plus information from Kim Peek documentary.

10th grade-write a short essay describing what you know about the Great Depression in America. Do not research this.


Avrohom Rotberg

Algebra HW #17: Pg 187-188, # 3, 15, 21, 27 33. Pg 191, # 3, 9, 15, 21, 27 and 29. Due Mon 12/1.

Algebra HW #18: Pg 199, # 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 and 27. Pg 201, # 3, 7, 11, 13 and 17. Due Tue 12/1.


11grade:p.196(3-18),219(3-14),241,244. 10grade:p.321(10,11)327(15)

Ms. Phillips hw 11/25

11th grade- read a bio of Harper Lee and write a summary.

9th grade-finish book and answer the 3 questions given in class.

APEL&C-do pp 85-89 including “Activity” and “Essay in Progress”.

AP Psych.-if you will be absent tomorrow, you are responsible for watching the Kim Peek documentary at home. Remember to review notes while checking photos, pictures, etc.

10th grade-final tomorrow.


11grade:201-202(3-8),(9-14). 10grade:p.321.(4-10).

Chemistry HW 23

Review Book page 81
Do: Part B-1 11-15

Due: Wednesday 11/26

Biology HW 22

Review Book Page 39
Do: Part A 1-15

Due: Wednesday 11/26

Ms. Phillips hw 11/24

11th grade- late hws due.

9th grade-answer 3 questions given in class. Read through p. 144.

APEL&C- test tomorrow on figures of speech from accismus to epizeuxis.

AP Psych.- watch Huntington’s video.

10th grade- we will finish watching the film tomorrow (20 minutes), then return to Room 4 for the final.

Avrohom Rotberg

Algebra HW #16: Pg 181, # 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37 and 43. Pg 185, # 3, 15, 27, 31, 33, 41 and 42. Due Tue 11/25.