Earth Science HW 13

Workbook Read pages 67-71
Do: page 71 Quick Review 1-9

Due: Thursday 10/23

Biology Reminder

Biology Test 2

Thursday 10/23

Carbon/organic compounds and Enzymes.

Biology HW 8

Workbook read page 127-132
Page 132 do: Quick Review 1-8

Due: Thursday 10/23

English 12 due 10/22

Read book until page 26.

As you are reading the novel pay attention to the following idea: the mental ward is a symbol of modern society. In what ways does Kesey intend the mental ward to be a reflection of modern society? Write down your initial observations. (Style of writing is part of the assessment.)

AP Econ due 10/22

Read carefully the handout on the three methods of calculating the GDP. Problem 1 on last page.

AP Euro HW: Imperial Diets

Research in depth the protocols and procedures of Imperial Diets in the Holy Roman Empire: How did they work? what did they decide? Who are the electors? Specifically look into the Diet of Worms.

Write down your findings.

AP Euro HW: Early Reformers

Research the work and views of early reformers: John Wycliffe and Jan Hus. Describe their lives, views, and influence on the later Protestant reformation.