In honor of DNA Day via Roche Life Sciences


Ms. Phillips 4/24

To all students: I hope your vacation was enjoyable and restful.  I expect to be back in school tomorrow.  Yesterday and today R. Silber received cw/hw assignments for my classes.  BE SURE THAT THEY ARE DONE!

Edwards Lit

Read to page 104, that is the end of chapter 30.

There will be an in class essay on the reading assignment when you return from the break.

Passover Vacation

There will be no school today Friday April 11. Have a great Passover vacation!! School will resume Wednesday April 23.

Edwards Lit

Please read the next 2 chapters and be prepared to discuss them on Monday.

We will have a quiz Wednesday on pages 36-62, up to chapter 17. Please read a few pages every night, so that you are prepared for in class discussion.