Ms. Phillips hw 10/31

Eng Lit. classes: read Chapter 5.  Late hws due no later than Monday.

Eng. Comp.: write a review of a video game or a website.  Re-read the review given in class if necessary.

AP Psych: review notes.  Quiz next week (TBA) on the structure and function of the nervous system studied up to that point.

9th Grade English Lit.

Finish reading Romeo and Juliet by Monday, November 4th. There will be a quiz that Monday on Act 4, scenes 3-5, and all of Act 5. Pay special attention to character development.

AP Biology HW 5

Read the first 15 pages of chapter 6

Draw your own cell and label all of the parts!

You will have a quiz on the parts of the cell on Friday, this will be a good study reference.

HW 6 Ap Chem

-problems assigned in class

-read pages 54-62 (concepts 2.6-2.8)

-problems from the text book

2.45, 2.54, 2.58-2.60

Ms. Phillips hw 10/30

12th grade Eng. Lit.: hw as posted yesterday.

10th grade Eng. Lit.: read Chapter 5; those who did not finish the “theme” hw please do so.

11th grade Eng. Lit.: see latter part of hw above.

Eng. Comp.: complete essay you brainstormed and outlined in class.

AP Psych: review notes THE CORRECT WAY.

Mrs.Minkin HW

10grade:p.186,187(3,4,6),copy 2 pages. 11grade:p.112,113(3-32)

Ms. Phillips hw 10/29

All Eng. Lit. classes: quiz tomorrow on Chapter 4.  12th grade: Regents critical lens essay based on 1 book.  10th grade: first 10 themes- situations and results.

AP Psych: review notes.

Eng. Comp.: Answer 5 questions based on handout.  Be sure you understand the essay-writing protocols handout.