Rosh Hashanah 5772

New beginnings are important. They give us a chance to start fresh, to look forward, and to grow. How great it is that the Jewish New Year corresponds quite closely to the school year. It’s an opportunity to really start of on the right foot. We look forward to the coming year. We hope that it will bring success and achievement to all our students.

Shana Tova!!!



Jonathan Leader Speaks To Sinai Students

Jonathan Leader’s name is well known in the Russian Jewish community. He and his wife Dina have been very active in numerous organizations and efforts that benefit the lives of thousands of Jews in the US and around the world. The Leader Family Employment Center at COJO of Brooklyn is just one such example.

Mr. Leader came to Sinai to share his personal experiences and inside knowledge of the world of business and finance. As a Wall Street veteran and a long time investor, Mr. Leader spoke to the students of the Entrepreneurship class about his experience of starting his own financial firm. He explained to the class the pros and cons of ‘going on ones own’ – illustrating the ideas with stories from his own life, described the entrepreneurial spiritĀ and talked about historical personalities that imbued the kind of qualities that make for a successful independent thinker.

Sinai Students Participate at 9/11 Memorial

This year marked the tenth anniversary of 9/11 – a day forever etched into the minds of adult citizens of this country. Yet for many high school age students it is already beyond the perimeter of memory. This year September 11th fell out on the Sunday after the first week of school. Many students were still acclimating to school and school work; nonetheless, some of Sinai students took part in the Memorial service that was held at the Seaside Park on West 5th and Surf Avenue. The annual memorial service is organized annually by the families of 9/11 victims – mostly relatives of Russian immigrants. Roman Gertsberg, who lost his only daughter Marina, and Vladimir Zvyagin were the event’s organizers that also included public officials and community leaders.