Mr. Schatz HW#2

8th grade-

#1-define the words and put into sentences-A-capital punishment




#2-what are the 7 continents and 4 oceans.

#3-list all 50 states that make up america.


#1-why is america called a republic.

#2-what is a major difference between U.S and England.

#3-what is the major of congress

#4-what is one reason trump defeated hillary

10th grade global-

#1-what is agriculture and why is important in ancient history.

#2-what is Mesopotamia.

#3-what is the fertile crescent.

#4-what are the rivers in the fertile crescent.

#5-why do you think all ancient kingdoms were ruled by kings.

U.S History-

#1-how did the war in 1588 change history.

#2-why was england unable to explore the new world in the 1500s.

#3-why was it better for U.S and canada to be colonies of england and not spain.

#4-how was england able to defeat spain in the spanish armada.

7th grade-

#1-what is a hemisphere.

#2-what is the difference between the western and eastern hemisphere.

#3-what is central america.

#4-why are there more people in the eastern hemisphere.

9th grade global-

#1-why does america like electing their president.

#2-why does england like their system in choosing their rules.

#3-would it be better if the president of the U.S could be thrown out if he was doing a bad job.

#4-list the 13 original states of america.