
Curriculum Overview

The Academic program at Sinai Academy aims to accomplish two general goals:

  1. to improve analytical, critical, and creative thinking of our students
  2. to impart an enriched and expanded High School curriculum in an engaging and relevant way.

This means that our courses in General Studies and Judaic Studies are given in a way that not only teaches the student the necessary material but inspires them to stretch their abilities and to further develop their talents.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the High School experience is laying the groundwork for the student on his way to a quality college. In our competitive world, great colleges and universities are ever-more selective. Admission to a top university does not only depend on grades and SAT scores but on the total portfolio of the student including extra-curricular activities, community service, as well as many other abilities and personality traits.

A great High school experience is much more than just what one learns in textbooks. Sinai Academy places a strong emphasis upon developing the personal character qualities and abilities needed to succeed in the real world. These include confidence, proper work ethic, integrity, organizational skills and leadership abilities.