Mr. Schatz Hw #5

8th grade – 1 – what are the countries that make up north america?

2 – why is english the language of both canada and us?

3 – what is the difference between eastern and western hemisphere?

4 – list all 50 states?

5 – why is New York City the most important city in america?


10th grade global – 1 – how is a city-state like a country?

2 – what were the 5 most important city-states of the ancient world?

3 – List 50 states?


US History – 1 – why would spain and england send their ships to the new world?

2 – why was the spanish armada war so important to england?


7th grade – 1 – what 3 countries make up North America?

2 – what is central america?

3 – what is the difference between mexico and america?

4 – what are the capitol cities of canada, US, and mexico?

5 – list 50 states?


9th grade global – 1 – how is election of donald trump as president so unique?

2 – why were so many americans against trump so much?

3 – what makes the democrats and republicans the two major parties in america?